Saturday, October 3, 2009

YarnHarlot to the Rescue

I'm working on a big cabled blanket project right now, and did a big chunk of work on the bus to and from DC this weekend. Yesterday as I pulled my cable needle out from behind my ear to work one of the crosses, I realized that I'd goofed and crossed the wrong way seven rows down. It's a blanket. They're lo-ooong rows. Ugh! So I googled up "how to correct a mis-crossed cable without frogging", and up pops an illustrated YarnHarlot tutorial showing me exactly that, with the heartening post title "All Is Not Lost". Comments on the post are closed (it's from a couple years back) so this is a public thank you for helping me out of a jam. Stephanie Pearl McPhee is a lifesaver.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

You were in DC this weekend? How did we miss that?