Tuesday, November 18, 2008

100th Post Give-Away!

This spring went by without me marking my blog-i-versary, but here I am with 100 posts! What started out mostly as a place for me to organize my creative-ness has grown so much. I started writing down and sharing my knitting patterns, after Ariadne dared me to, then made my "website website" to sell my patterns and (soon!) toys. In the meantime, I went on two gigantical bike rides and lots of littler ones, told some goofy stories, drew you some pictures, and got some of my work published in pixels and in print. And I decided I love exclamation points after all. They're great! Yay!

Since I started counting last fall, my wee little blog has gotten 35,000 hits from 28,000 visitors, and about 50 of you are subscribed to my feed - so who are all of you? Say hi and you might win a prize!
I'm giving away my extra copy of Luxury One Skein Wonders with my starfish pattern in it. (Because of course I ran out and bought myself a copy before my free one came in the mail). I'll mail it anywhere, and I'll even sign my page for you if you want. To be eligible to win, leave me a comment - tell me what you like about my blog, or what I should knit next, or just say hi! Make sure you use a valid email address so I can contact you if you win. I'll pick a random commenter on December 1, so get those comments in by midnight EST November 30. Good luck, and happy delurking!


Dani said...

Hi Daniel, I am one of those 50 subscribers. I found you during a search for a better way to do the EO cast on, and the Google Gods saw fit to lead me to you and your WONDERFUL variation. (THANK YOU!!!)

Congrats on 100 posts, here's to MANY many more!! Thanks for the fun contest - I'm hoping your drawing date brings me good luck, it's my birthday :)

- Dani

Victoria said...

You know me - you're coming over for dinner tomorrow, but I want to say that I subscribed! Hi!

knithound brooklyn said...

You know me, too! I bump into you on subways, come to your knit group now and then, and I subscribe too!


Maya said...


I think I originally found your blog through knitty or some-such place. I love it because I am also a bicyclist, knitter, and although I don't live in New York at the moment, I hope to at some point. Also, your patterns are SO cute!

Congrats on 100.

Carol said...

I don't mind not winning. Just like your invitation to comment. I love your blog and your whimsical, inspiring creations. Keep up your lovely work. Thanks!

Carol said...

I don't mind not winning. Just like your invitation to comment. I love your blog and your whimsical, inspiring creations. Keep up your lovely work. Thanks!

Logan said...

Delurk Alert! Your blog is on my knitting blogroll. I love your starfish toy pattern and would love to win a copy of the book!

SYLVIE said...

I'm one of those 50!

I like looking at different blogs and see what other people are doing.

Sarah said...

Love your blog! I found you by good old google.

AmberCake said...

I'm hardly de-lurking 'cause I'm hardly online, but here I am anyway. Miss you at the Muffies meet-up, but I've been working Monday nights and, well, sheesh. I'm so thrillingly inspired by your albino sea creatures - they may be a way for me to finally make good on a swap I screwed up ages ago. Congrats on 100 posts and getting into print and just being a badass.

TinaB said...

Hi Daniel... I found you through your jellyfish Christmas ornament last year... and then found out that the woman I work for (in Phila. pharma advertising -- her name is Becky) is the sister of someone you know. Small world. I like to read a lot of knitting blogs.